Monday 19 September 2011

Megan Baxendale L'Oreal Shampoo Review Advert 2

Megan Baxendale
L’oreal Elnet Hairspray
Advert 2 Review

For our second advert the product we used was L’Oreal Elnet hairspray. We tried a different approach to our second advert as we did in our first one and tried to add our own style and ideas to it.
    We used some of the same techniques as we did in our first advert and L’Oreal adverts seen on TV. We used:
·        Beauty appeal
·        Promise of benefit
·        Scientific claim

Beauty appeal
We used the technique beauty appeal at the start of the advert by showing the actress coming in from a night out looking tired, with her make-up a mess but her hair still perfect. It then showed her 10 hours earlier spraying the L’Oreal hairspray on, looking glamorous with her make-up perfect and her hair looking beautiful. This would make viewers want to buy the product to have beautiful long lasting hair like the girl in the advert.

Promise of benefit
We tried to convince the audience that the hairspray would last for long periods of time by showing the actress coming in from a night out after 10 hours and her hair is still looking perfect. The voiceover in the advert says that the hairspray will “leave your hair feeling like satin”. This will make viewers want to purchase the product so that it will work on their hair and it looks as good as the actress in the ad. The advert gives the impression that the hairspray “lasts longer than you do” which would also be convincing to the audience that the product works.

Scientific claim
We used scientific claim in this advert because most L’Oreal adverts which we researched used this technique and it’s proved to be successful as many people buy L’Oreal products. We did this by claiming that the product is used by professionals and leaves your hair feeling like satin.

The editing style of this advert is much different to the first one. The advert appears more quick and to the point making viewers more engaged. Although the advert is quick it’s clear what product is being advertised because the L’Oreal shampoo is shown several times in the advert. The shots in the advert are short and fast pace to show the girl getting ready to go out.

I think that if the advert could be improved I would change the lighting in the shots because it appears too dark at some stages in the advert. I feel like this would improve the advert greatly because it would appear brighter and a lot more focussed. I also feel that the second advert was less successful than the first one. I think this is because we didn’t give enough time for better preparation such as story boards and find enough time for a more suitable location. I feel that the first advert techniques worked best and I learnt this after working on the second ad.

I think the advert could be effective if changes were made because the technique Promise Of Benefit made the advert believable and the viewers would want hairspray to last as long as in the advert. I also believe that by using the same techniques as L’Oreal adverts on TV it would grab people’s attention and make them aspire to have hair like the actor in the advert.

We made sure that the advert folled all of the ASA (Advertising Standards Authorities) guidelines. The advert is suitable for daytime TV and wouldn’t offend, harm or mislead viewers. Our group took into consideration these rules when filming our adverts which also made it more successful.

After completing the second advert I feel that I learnt that preparation is a main priority before filming and I believe that this is why the first advert was more successful than the second one. I think by sticking to the techniques L’Oreal use and that we used in the first shampoo advert would make the advert more effective.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Megan Baxendale L'Oreal Shampoo Review Advert 1

Understanding the Creative Media Industries 7.2
In this assignment we created two TV adverts for the product L’Oreal. Our group decided to do one advert on Shampoo and another on Hairspray. We researched L’Oreal adverts for Shampoo and Hairspray looking at the techniques used and what makes their adverts so successful. After looking at many L’Oreal adverts we decided to use the same techniques and style as many L’Oreal shampoo adverts. On the second advert for L’Oreal hairspray we decided to put our own style into the advert to make it a bit different. Before we could film and complete our adverts we had to create treatments, storyboards and scripts. This made it much easier when we were filming because we were organised and knew what we were doing.
We decided to try to use the same techniques for our L’Oreal shampoo advert as the current adverts we had seen on TV.  We tried to portray the person in the ad as a real celebrity because in the L’Oreal adverts we had studied there was always a well known celebrity. This technique we used was Celebrity endorsement.
We also used scientific claim in our advert. We stated that “Shampoo has a special formula that protects, strengthens and nourishes your hair”. Things like this are used in most L’Oreal adverts.  In order to show how the shampoo would do all those things to your hair we created a graphic sequence using Adobe After Effects. The Graphic Sequence showed strands of hair with water bubbles and the shampoo working on the hair strands. We used this in the ad to try and show what the shampoo does so you know what the product will do to your hair and persuade you to buy it.
We used the technique beauty appeal in our advert because many L’Oreal adverts use this technique. This is because it makes people want to use the product to look as beautiful as the celebrity in the ad. We tried to use beauty appeal in our ad by making the actor look similar to the celebrities in adverts on TV.
We tried to use the technique Promise of benefit in our advert. We did this by making the actors hair look shiny, professional and styled. This makes the hair stand out in the advert so that the audience notices what the product can do. Promise of benefit is when an audience can see that by using the product there will be a visible change and improvement. If this is shown well in the advert people are more likely to buy the product.
In most L’Oreal adverts we had looked at and studied we noticed that the colour of the shampoo bottle depended on what the colour scheme of the advert was. For example if the Shampoo bottle was the colour red the celebrity would be wearing a red dress and props in the background would be the colour red.  We used this technique in our advert to try to make it look like a real L’Oreal advert seen on TV. We used a red shampoo bottle and filmed in a room that had red ornaments and accessories to match the colour scheme. We dressed the actor in cream to make the advert a bit different to the ones we had studied but still used the technique.
We shot different shots in one scene so that when it came to editing we had a few to choose from. This made it easier when it came to editing the advert. When editing the advert I made sure that it flowed well and didn’t rush too quickly from different shots.
By using the same techniques as L’Oreal adverts use I think that this made our advert successful. L’Oreal is a well known brand and many people buy their product and this is because their adverts work well. We tried to make our advert persuasive and eye catching to an audience so that they want to buy the product and I think we did this well.
There are a few changes that I would make if I did the advert again, the lighting in the advert is often too dark then brightens so I think using lamps and a white sheet in the background would help more.  On parts of the advert some of the shots have too much space that isn’t needed so it doesn’t make the actor stand out as much as it should. Better framing would solve this problem. The quality of the graphics could also be improved to make them blend more with the advert and make it flow better.
When producing the advert we made sure that we followed the guidelines set by the ASA (Advertising Standards Authorities). The advert should not mislead, harm or offend people watching and I think we followed these guidelines in our advert. If some shots could have broke the guidelines we would take them again. Our advert is suitable for all audiences and does not mislead customers.
In my opinion I think that our advert was successful and worked well with the product L’Oreal. We took a lot of time filming, editing and planning our advert which showed in the final advertisement. The style of the L’Oreal advert is current and similar to many L’Oreal adverts already out there which also made it quite successful.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Review for Advert 2 by Kayleigh

L'Oreal Shampoo Advert. 2

In our groups, we had to create two TV adverts for two products. Our group was given L'Oreal Paris hair products and we decided to stick to the original convention so that our advert would fit in with other L'Oreal adverts and make them look professional.

We started off by researching by watching 
existing adverts, we watched the adverts and wrote down all the techniques that we spotted in the adverts and then in our groups we created treatments, scripts and storyboards.

For our second advert for L'Oreal Paris Elnette Hairspray we used these techniques...
-Beauty appeal
-Scientific claims
-Promise a benefit

- We also used an effect in the advert which made the advert look back to front. We started to advert with a girl walking in with perfect hair but all her make up was a mess, giving the impression that she had been on a night out. Then the advert shows the girl getting ready to go out using the L'Oreal product. This was used to make the audience want to keep watching to find out what product the girl was using in order to get her hair to stay in good condition after going out.

Beauty appeal -
The beauty appeal we used in the advert highlighted how the product would bring beauty. The way we used the technique in the advert showcased how the product 'Lasts longer than you do' suggesting that you can go out and when you're home your hair will still be in perfect condition due to using the product. Using beauty appeal suggests that anyone can use the product and will become more attractive.

Scientific claims - 
The scientific claims which were used in the advert were used to make the product more professional so that the viewers believe the company and product are trustworthy, the scientific claims made in the advert were used in the voice over claim that the product is used by 'the professionals' and 'leaves your hair feeling like satin'.

Promise a benefit - 
The promise a benefit technique we used was displayed when the girl comes back from her night out and her hair is still the same 8 hours after. Using this technique makes the product seem trustworthy and professional. The voice over in the advert also claims that the advert will leave your hair feeling like satin and that is promising the viewers that the product is worth buying.

In the L'Oreal adverts we used specific colour schemes. For example, on our second advert the bottle of the hairspray was black and gold, so when filming we used a black dress on the girl. We did this because that is what L'Oreal use in their adverts.

In the advert our group made different editing decisions in order to put the different scenes together and make the advert work. When we edited the advert we also put in music which was fast music to gain the viewers attention from when the girl is getting ready before she goes out. The music was used to give the advert a rythem. We also had to make the advert shorter because it was very long.

I think that the advert is effective because we made the advert fit in with the typical L'Oreal advert as we used the correct techniques that would gain more viewers and grab peoples attention. The advert was successful in showing what L'Oreal Paris have made.

If I could improve the advert I would change some of the shots because they are not framed correctly and the room we shot in was dark so I would change the lighting. Other than those points I feel the advert was successful.

We made our advert with the Advertising Standards Authorities guild lines in mind. We used to guide lines to make sure the advert was suitable for daytime television and had no swearing or could offend someone. We have followed the guild lines in our advert.

Overall I think our advert was successful because we followed the ASA Guild lines and we stuck to the L'oreal advert type and used all off the correct techniques in order to have a successful advert!

L'oreal shampoo, advert one review- vanessa hartney unfinished

L’Oreal shampoo, advert one review.

For this assignment we were split up into groups and each were given a different product. Our product was L’Oreal Paris, we created two different adverts using a different L’Oreal product in each. In the first advert we used L’Oreal shampoo. We tried to make our adverts look professional to do this we had to start  by researching other L’Oreal adverts and analysing them to discover what techniques they used. We then, as a group created treatments scripts and storyboards before filming.

The techniques we used in our first advert were-
-Beauty appeal
-Celebrity endorsement 
-scientific claims
-promise a benefit

Beauty appeal.
Beauty appeal is a very common technique which is used in every single existing L'Oreal advert. By using a beautiful actress in our advert it tends to grab the viewers attention, because people are attracted to beautiful things or people or places. Using beauty appeal in an advert will make the viewers feel that if they use this product it will make them just as beautiful.

Celebrity endorsement.
Celebrity endorsement is another well used technique in original L'Oreal adverts. By using a celebrity or someone who is as glamorous as a celebrity, this technique draws in an audience who aspire to be like the celebrity so by using the same product many people think they will have the same characteristics as the celeb. In our advert we gave the impression that 'meg' was a famous singer and made her look glamorous.

Scientific claims.
By using scientific claims it makes the shampoo seem unique, in our advert we claimed to have a special formula that protects, strengthens and nourishes your hair. Along with this we created a graphic to show the chemicals at work. We did this using adobe after effects; we created a strand of hair with bubbles surrounding it working on the hair. By using the graphic effect it will make the viewers feel intelligent and help them show a full understanding of the product.

Promise a benefit.
In our advert we promised a benefit of a special formula to protect your coloured hair. L’Oreal uses the promise a benefit technique so that the audience will compare it to the shampoo they currently use and then will possibly buy L’Oreal product. We styled out actress’s hair  to look smooth and healthy, this would convince the viewers that the shampoo works well.

In our advert, just like every other L’Oreal advert, we used a specific colour scheme. The bottle of our shampoo was red and white, so to carry out the colour scheme technique we used red and white props to complete the scene, ready for filming.  

During the editing process, each group member crated a different edit in order to produce a final piece by using different ideas from each edit, with that done we added music to our advert to create a mood.

If I could improve the advert I would use a better sound recording kit, so that the dialogue stands out from the music and so that it is clearer. I would also try to improve the quality of the graphics we used although it is good enough for the time we had to work with.

During the making of the advert we had to follow the Advertising Standards Authorities guidelines to be sure that the advert was ok to show during daytime. Therefore it has no unsuitable language in it and could not offence anyone. We have followed the guidelines thoroughly.  

Finally in my opinion, I believe our advert was very successful, as it fits in very well with the theme of existing L’Oreal adverts. I think all our techniques worked well together and we followed the ASA guidelines.


Review for Advert 1 by Kayleigh

L'Oreal Shampoo Advert.1

In our groups, we had to create two TV adverts for two products. Our group was given L'Oreal Paris hair products and we decided to stick to the original convention so that our advert would fit in with other L'Oreal adverts and make them look professional.

We started off by researching by watching existing adverts, we watched the adverts and wrote down all the techniques that we spotted in the adverts and then in our groups we created treatments, scripts and storyboards.

For our first advert for L'Oreal Paris hair shampoo we used these techniques...
-Beauty appeal
-Celebrity endorsement
-Scientific claims
-Promise a benefit

Beauty appeal -

In our advert we used Beauty appeal so that when people are watching t.v and the advert comes on t.v the audience is attracted to the person in the advert so that they see the product as bringing people beauty and attention. The beauty appeal is used in the advert so people will believe that using the product will make them beautiful.

Celebrity endorsment -

We used the Celebrity endorsment technique in the advert by putting someone in the advert who is suppost to be celebrity by giving the impression that they have a singing career. We decided to use the technique because L'Oreal often use celebrities in their adverts and use very famous people such as Cheryl Cole and Penelope Cruz. The technique is used to draw people into the advert and make the audience believe that using the product will make them more like the celebrity in the advert.

Scientific claims -

We used scientific claims in the advert because L'Oreal Paris adverts usually use the technique in to draw the attention of the viewers at home. In the advert the voice over claimed that the ‘shampoo has a special formula that protects, strengthen and nourishes your hair’ which will make viewers at home believe that this product is better than their shampoo and will make them want to try the product. We also included a graphic sequence in the product which will be used over the voice over. The graphic was a strand of hair surrounded by bubbles. We mutiplied the hair and used the graphic to show how the shampoo and conditioner would work.

Promise a benefit -

The promise a benefit technique is used make a promise to a potential customer about the product. The promise we used in our advert was that the product would include 'A special formula to protect your coloured hair'. In the advert we styled the girls hair so it looked healthy and professional and the viewers would believe that the product would make them look this way, promising them a benefit.

Other - 

In the L'Oreal adverts we used specific colour schemes. For example, on our first advert the bottle of the shampoo and conditioner was red and white, so when filming we used red and white props. The girl in the advert wore a white dress so that she would fit in with the product. We did this because that is what L'Oreal use in their adverts.

In the advert our group made different editing decisions in order to put the different scenes together and make the advert work. When we edited the advert we also put in music which was fast music to gain the viewers attention and give the advert a rythem. We made the advert a little slower as well so that the advert was not really quick.

I think that the advert is effective because we made the advert fit in with the typical L'Oreal advert as we used the correct techniques that would gain more viewers and grab peoples attention. The advert was successful in showing what L'Oreal Paris have made.

If I could improve the avert I would change the graphic that we made. I feel that the graphic is good for the amount of time we had to do it but I feel that it does not fit in with the standard of the rest of the advert.

We made our advert with the Advertising Standards Authorities guild lines in mind. We used to guide lines to make sure the advert was suitable for daytime television and had no swearing or could offend someone. We have followed the guild lines in our advert.

Overall I think our advert was successful because we followed the ASA Guild lines and we stuck to the L'oreal advert type and used all off the correct techniques in order to have a successful advert!

Graphic animation- vanessa hartney- unfinished

Thursday 30 June 2011

Review Advert 2 Sophie Malone

Review Advert 2
L'Oreal Elnet Hairspray
Sophie Malone

For our assignment we had to create two TV adverts for certain products. The product we were given was L’Oreal, we produced two different adverts, one for shampoo and another for hairspray. We tried to stick to the convention that L’Oreal use in order to make our advert look real and true and although this worked for the first advert, we tried to use a different style to what is normally used by L'Oreal. This gave us a chance to try out a new idea for the ad campaign

When creating the ad we tried to use some of the same techniques used in normal L'Oreal adverts but in a different style, we used:
  • Beauty appeal
  • Promise of benefit
Beauty Appeal
With this technique we tried to  use two ends of the scale, at the start of the ad we tried to make the actress look like she had been on a night out, with her make up messed up but her hair still looking as good as is was to start with. On the second part of the ad we made are actress look nice, we did her hair and make up and used the technique beauty appeal, as this fits in with the story of the ad. 

Promise of Benefit
With this technique we used it the same way L'Oreal on with their adverts we tried to convince the audience that the product works and has an effect, we did this by showing the hairspray working for long periods of time, which gave the impression that the hairspray does have benefits.

In this advert I have used a different editing style to the previous advert, I have edited footage to make the advert look faster, this is because I wanted the different scenes to be quick and chop to the next part, the advert itself is suppose to be showing someone getting ready, so creating quick shots allows the audience to see the process, but when the product is in shot the clips seem slower to allow the product to be seen. This is different to the previous advert as the other was longer shots so I have been able to use both quick editing styles and slower ones. I think this decision helps the two adverts is positives ways.

I feel that the advert can be effective, i think the techniques promise of benefit that was use is very effect in an advert such as this one, it allows the audience to believe in the product and  gives them a chance to see the effects. I do however feel that the current L'Oreal ad campaign works well and is much more effective, i think its more believable and successful. The current adverts gives the audience something to aspire to as well as admire.

If I were to have a second attempt at making the advert there are a couple of things i would do differently, i would firstly give myself more preparation time, i feel that the second advert was more rushes and this shows in the final footage, my pre-production would be more organised, mainly based on storyboards and location research. I also think that the lighting should be look at in more detail, on the final outcome the advert looks very dark so i think  better lighting would make a noticeable different that would benefit the advert greatly.

In my opinion the advert followed all of the ASA (Advertising Standards Authorities) guidelines, the advert is suitable for all audience types, it can be shown before the watershed as it does not contain anything that will harm or mislead the viewers. I researched all of the ASA rules and regulations before carrying out any pre production and filming, this was to ensure no rules were broken. Once the advert was finished and the final edits were made  it was uploaded onto youtube, I have put a disclaimer on youtube to ensure that no one is mislead and no rules are broken. 

The final advert I believe was not as good as the first advert that was made, The techniques used in the previous advert were more effective, I feel that this advert is not as understandable or as easy to relate to as the other.  In future if I were to make any more L'Oreal ads i would stick to the current ad campaign  and use all the same techniques.