Monday 19 September 2011

Megan Baxendale L'Oreal Shampoo Review Advert 2

Megan Baxendale
L’oreal Elnet Hairspray
Advert 2 Review

For our second advert the product we used was L’Oreal Elnet hairspray. We tried a different approach to our second advert as we did in our first one and tried to add our own style and ideas to it.
    We used some of the same techniques as we did in our first advert and L’Oreal adverts seen on TV. We used:
·        Beauty appeal
·        Promise of benefit
·        Scientific claim

Beauty appeal
We used the technique beauty appeal at the start of the advert by showing the actress coming in from a night out looking tired, with her make-up a mess but her hair still perfect. It then showed her 10 hours earlier spraying the L’Oreal hairspray on, looking glamorous with her make-up perfect and her hair looking beautiful. This would make viewers want to buy the product to have beautiful long lasting hair like the girl in the advert.

Promise of benefit
We tried to convince the audience that the hairspray would last for long periods of time by showing the actress coming in from a night out after 10 hours and her hair is still looking perfect. The voiceover in the advert says that the hairspray will “leave your hair feeling like satin”. This will make viewers want to purchase the product so that it will work on their hair and it looks as good as the actress in the ad. The advert gives the impression that the hairspray “lasts longer than you do” which would also be convincing to the audience that the product works.

Scientific claim
We used scientific claim in this advert because most L’Oreal adverts which we researched used this technique and it’s proved to be successful as many people buy L’Oreal products. We did this by claiming that the product is used by professionals and leaves your hair feeling like satin.

The editing style of this advert is much different to the first one. The advert appears more quick and to the point making viewers more engaged. Although the advert is quick it’s clear what product is being advertised because the L’Oreal shampoo is shown several times in the advert. The shots in the advert are short and fast pace to show the girl getting ready to go out.

I think that if the advert could be improved I would change the lighting in the shots because it appears too dark at some stages in the advert. I feel like this would improve the advert greatly because it would appear brighter and a lot more focussed. I also feel that the second advert was less successful than the first one. I think this is because we didn’t give enough time for better preparation such as story boards and find enough time for a more suitable location. I feel that the first advert techniques worked best and I learnt this after working on the second ad.

I think the advert could be effective if changes were made because the technique Promise Of Benefit made the advert believable and the viewers would want hairspray to last as long as in the advert. I also believe that by using the same techniques as L’Oreal adverts on TV it would grab people’s attention and make them aspire to have hair like the actor in the advert.

We made sure that the advert folled all of the ASA (Advertising Standards Authorities) guidelines. The advert is suitable for daytime TV and wouldn’t offend, harm or mislead viewers. Our group took into consideration these rules when filming our adverts which also made it more successful.

After completing the second advert I feel that I learnt that preparation is a main priority before filming and I believe that this is why the first advert was more successful than the second one. I think by sticking to the techniques L’Oreal use and that we used in the first shampoo advert would make the advert more effective.

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