Friday 24 June 2011

Review for Advert 1 Sophie Malone

Advert 1 Review
L’Oreal Shampoo
Sophie Malone

For our assignment we had to create two TV adverts for certain products. The product we were given was L’Oreal, we produced two different adverts, one for shampoo and another for hairspray. We tried to stick to the convention that L’Oreal use in order to make our advert look real and true, we did this with one and for another we tried to put our own style onto it and make a new style of advert for this product.
In order to achieve the best results possible for our advert we had to carry out some pre-production. We started off researching different L’Oreal adverts and looking into the techniques they use, once we had gathered enough information we then went on to complete a treatments, scripts and storyboards.

For our first advert we decided to create a similar advert to the current adverts, we tried to use the same techniques, these were:
·         Celebrity endorsement
·         Scientific claim
·         Beauty appeal
·         Promise of benefit

Celebrity Endorsement
In our advert we have used celebrity endorsement and although we haven’t used a real ‘celebrity’ we gave the effect the person in the ad was famous and well known. We decided this because in L’Oreal adverts there is always a celebrity, such as Cheryl Cole, Penelope Cruz and Rachel Weisz so to stay with the theme we had to find a way to convince the audience that the person in the ad was a celebrity.

Scientific Claim
In all L’Oreal ads they make a scientific claim which normally says the shampoo nourishes hair and conditions hair as well as replenishes dry hair, so in our ad we added this effect. We stated that the ‘shampoo has a special formula that protects, strengthen and nourishes your hair’. So this means that people will want the same effect on their hair, to show this we created a graphic sequence using Adobe After effects. We created one strand of hair and then multiplied it, after this we produced water bubbles and the shampoo mixing together, this was to try and get across how the shampoo works.

Beauty Appeal
We have used the technique beauty appeal as it works well with the product, L’Oreal use this specific technique in their ads so we have done the same. Beauty appeal works by attracting the audience into the beauty of the person in the ad, it allows people to think that using the product it will make them look like the people they see in the adverts. We did this by making our actor looking as glamorous as possible and dragging the audience in.

Promise of Benefit
Promise of benefit is telling the audience that using a certain product will show a visible improvement or positive change, in out advert we have tried to use this technique, we have tried to make out actors hair stand out and make it the one thing that is noticeable.  We have also styled it in a certain way to make it look professional and healthy. This is to allow the audience to believe et this is because of the product.

When researching different L'Oreal adverts we noticed that the colours used in the ads are all the same, depending on the colour of the shampoo bottle. So in our ad we did the same as we used a shampoo bottle that was red all the accessories and ornaments in the ad were red, we dressed the actor in a different colour to allow her to stand out and be seen.

In the advert I have made different editing decisions to make the advert flow and look better, when filming the advert different shots we taken of one scene and once they were ready to edit I looked at the different ones and decided which ones looked best. With this advert i tried to slow down the pace of the footage so when editing I used longer shots to create this, instead of using quick shots and fast changes so the advert doesn't seem rushed. I have also put in some music when editing. The music in the ad is quite relaxing but upbeat as well this type of music is used in all adverts and this allows the advert to flow and give it rhythm.

I feel that the advert is very effective, I believe this is due to the fact that we have used the same techniques used in L'Oreals adverts, we have used the four biggest techniques that can be very persuasive and that it was we need the advert to be, we need to be able to drag the audience in and allow them to connect and understand the ad.  when researching the product we found that all the adverts do their job, we know this as L'Oreal hair products are one of the biggest and best selling products which is credit to how well the adverts work, so I feel sticking to the current L'Oreal adverts techniques is the best way to sell the product. 

If i were to redo the advert there are a couple of things I would change to try and improve the advert, i would firstly improve the graphics within the ad, i would try and make it fit in better and improve thew quality, I feel that the current graphics are to obvious and need to blend in more with advert. I also think that there should be better framing on some of the shots, there are some shots that contain to much unused space, better framing would keep the audiences eyes on the actor.

When producing the advert certain guideline should come into consideration, these guidelines are set by the ASA (Advertising Standards Authorities).  We had to make sure that the advert is suitable for showing. The ad must not mislead, harm or offend the audience, I believe that we have followed these guidelines, the content of the advert is suitable for all audiences and doe not in anyway mislead the customer. Special care was taken when filming, if adverts do break and rules or regulation they must be changed and can be withdrawn.

Overall i feel this advert was a successful and this is due to the amount of research and time taken in producing the advert, although there are some details that could be improved I think sticking with the current L'Oreal campaign works best.

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