Tuesday 22 March 2011

Analysis of Techniques Used in L'Oreal Advert 1-SM


L'Oreal always use the same techniques, theses are:
  • Scientific claim
  • Promising a Benefit
  • Celebrity Endorsement
  • Beauty Appeal
I am analysing an advert for L'Oreal Shampoo which includes all of the above techniques. The advert I am analysing is L'Oreal - Elvive Re-Nutrition, this advert uses all of the above techniques.

Scientific Claim
In this advert it states that the shampoo nourishes hair and conditions your hair as well as replenishes dry hair, it has these effects because it say its enriched with royal jelly. this makes a scientific claim saying that the added ingredients will benefit your hair.

Promising a Benefit
This ad also promises a benefit, it suggests that if you use this product then your hair will be better off. The advert claims that your hair will be left 'soft, silky and full of bounce', this makes the audience believe that their hair will have the same effect.

Celebrity Endorsement
L'Oreal always have a celebrity advertising their product, whether its shampoo, moisturiser or lip gloss there is always someone with a high status to promote it. in This advert Penelope Cruz is in the ad, she is of high status and well known. The audience will then believe that if a celebrity is using the products then it must be worth buying.

Beauty Appeal
Beauty appeal is the main technique that is used, they have someone beautiful and someone girls would look up to, they always use beautifull celebrities such as Cheryl Cole, Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria and Rachel Weisz. The audience watching will then think that if they use these products they will have the same effect on them as it does on these beautiful celebrities.


Iconography is used in every L'Oreal advert, they have the catch phrase "because we're worth it". It is a catch phrase that millions of people world wide have heard and automatically know what it is about. This is a clever way of advertising, giving the creators a different way of advertising, as with a catch phrase a product can be advertised in different ways either TV, radio, billboards and on the Internet.

Camera Shots

In the L'Oreal adverts different camera shots are used for different effects, this can be to show off the product or the person in the ad and shoeing the effects of the product.

In the ad there are a lot of close up shots used, this is to enhance the effects the product has on hair. The camera shots are all mainly focused on the hair because of this.

Extreme close ups are also used on her hair, this is to show the scientific part of the ad, it tells us all about the product and and how it it can improve your hair in many ways.

A mid shot is also used. this is a key shot as it shows the audience the range of different products available which will all improve your hair. This is the one opportunity the audience get to see what the products look like so when they go out to purchase it, they instantly know what they are looking for.


Dialogue is used in this ad, a voice over talks about the product, this enable the audience hear about the product in a little more detail, and to understand the effects more clearly. At the end of the advert Penelope Cruz also says teh catch phrase "because we're worth it", the audience then instantly know that the product must be good and ligit because of the iconic catch phrase.

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