Wednesday 23 March 2011

Anyalysis of Techniques used in the L'Oreal Advert (1) by Kayleigh Hemingway

L’Oreal Elvive Nutri Gloss Shampoo Advert
Celebrity Endorsement and Beauty appeal:
The advertisement uses Celebrity Endorsement by using Freida Pinto in the advert to enhance sales because she is a well known and because she is seen as beautiful. This technique is used because people will see the advert and think that using this product will make them more like them.
Sex appeal:  The advert uses Sex appeal by showing the woman in the advert with a man which suggests that using the product has made this happen. The advert using good looking people so that people think using this product will bring them good looks.
Scientific claims:  The scientific claims used in the advert are used to make the audience feel intelligent and to make the product seem as if it is exclusive. The scientific claims are also used to make the product seem new and different than all other excisting products.
Iconography: The advert uses the technique Iconography so that the audience can relate to the iconic catchphrase which is used in every L'Oreal advert. The catchphrase is used to make the product recognisable.
The camera shots that are used the advert are very important as it is the way the viewers will see the product for the first time. In the advert there is a lot of close ups used to emphasise on the beauty appeal which is used in the advert. The shots at the end of the advert are always of the product or of the person in the advert using a catchphrase or promising a benefit.

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