Wednesday 23 March 2011

Advert Analysis - MB1

L'Oreal Shampoo Megan Baxendale
The techniques which L'Oreal often use in all their advertisments include;
  • Celebrity Endorsment
  • Promise of benefit
  • scientific claim
  • beauty appeal
Celebrity Endorsment
Charlize Theron is used in this add advertising the L'Oreal shampoo. She is made to look as beautiful and sexy as she can so that the advert looks appealing to watch. Her hair looks styled and perfect to make people think that by using the product they will too look the same. The shampoo is aimed at woman and a well known celebrity is often used to advertise the product. Charlize Theron is a well known celebrity and beauty icon which will make woman want to buy the product to look like she does.

Promise of benefit
The advert promises 70% more colour radience and claims that it protects and nourishes hair and is trusted by millions of women. Promise of benefit is used to persuade people further to buy the product advertised. Women will want nice hair so they will believe that L'Oreal will make their hair shiny and nourished.

Scientific claim
L'Oreal use scientific claim in their adverts to make it sound like it has a special ingrediant that makes it better than all other brands of shampoo.

Beauty Appeal
In all L'Oreal adverts beauty appeal is used as it has proven to be a succesful technique and they continue to use the current attractive people of this time.

In most L'Oreal advertisment campains simlar qualities and techniques are employed. All L'oreal adverts are simlar or the same because the camera angles always show a mid-shot at the begining of the famous person or beautiful person who then goes on to talk about how they use the product, then it shows a close up of the character flapping their hair around before showing some secret ingrediant and the adverts usually concludes with a close up of the bottle of shampoo and the branding. The sound is usually a combination of the character's dialogue and sometimes some music in the background.

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