Tuesday 29 March 2011

Analysis of Techniques Used in L'Oreal Advert 2-SM


L'Oreal use the same techniques in their adverts, this is due to the products popularity and ability to sell. L'Oreal know that the techniques they are using work so they continue to use them. The techniques used are:
  • Beauty Appeal
  • Celebrity Endorsement
  • Scientific Claim
  • Promise of Benefit
Beauty Appeal
Beauty appeal is the main technique used in all of the L'Oreal adverts, it creates the illusion that the product can make you look as beautiful as the person in the ad. L'Oreal use this to their advantage with every advert knowing that this technique is successful.

Celebrity Endorsement
In this advert a celebrity is used to give the product a respectable name, an audienc will see and recognise the celebrity and then think that the product is good enough and will show significant results. In this advert Cheryl Cole is used in the advert, she is a well known household celebrity and beauty icon, this makes an ideal candidate for the L'Oreal adverts.

Scientific Claim
This advert has some scientific claims, it states that the new shampoo/conditioner has an added ingrediant pro-keratine which helps prevent weak, limp, dull, lifeless and strawlike hair. This new ingediant will beat these effectsand help your hair.

Promise of benefit
This advert uses a promise of benefit, this advert states that if the shampoo is used then it will leave your hair stronger, full of life, replenished and will have a healthy shine. To back this statement up the ad shows Cheryls Coles hair looking as it is described in order to convince the audience that buying the product will look and feel the same.


Iconography is used in every L'Oreal advert, they have the catch phrase "because we're worth it". It is a catch phrase that millions of people world wide have heard and automatically know what it is about. This is a clever way of advertising, giving the creators a different way of advertising, as with a catch phrase a product can be advertised in different ways either TV, radio, billboards and on the Internet.

Camera Shots

In the L'Oreal adverts different camera shots are used for different effects, this can be to show off the product or the person in the ad and showing the effects of the product. Close up, mid shot, extreme close up and establishing shot are just some of the shots used to create different effects.
The ad starts off with an establishing shot, this shows the audience where the advert is set and who is in it, in this case the ad is set in a plain white living room with Cheryl Cole lying on a chair standing out from the everything else. This instantly draws the audience's attention on Cheryl Cole.
Next there is a close up shot of Cheryl Cole talking, she is introducing the product, this is also a chance for the audience to see her hair close up as the advert is about hair products.

A mid shot is used straight afterwards to show the product in full detail, the audience see the product and are then able to go out and purchase it as they know what they are looking for.

An animation is then used to show how the products works, it demonstrates how the shampoo targets specfic hair to keep it healthy and strong.

Dialogue is used in this ad, a voice over talks about the product, this enable the audience hear about the product in a little more detail, and to understand the effects more clearly. At the end of the advert Cheryl Cole also says teh catch phrase "because we're worth it", the audience then instantly know that the product must be good and ligit because of the iconic catch phrase.

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