Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sophie Graphics and Advert

We have now edited the L'oreal advert, we have chosen different clips which we think fit best with the story of the advert and although we will only be using one advert we have all edited individual ones as this gives us chance to look at each others and are able to then use our skills together to make one good edit. with my edit i have used video clips, sound files that consist of dialog and music as well as graphics for a specific part of the ad. I have used adobe Premier and  After affects to do this.

The image below shows the graphics I have created for a certain part of the ad, this is to show the science behind what the shampoo does. The graphic consists of hair follicle, water bubbles and the shampoo. The shampoo will move to the hair giving the effect that its is going into the hair.

The two images below show my edit of the advert, it shows me using different video clips and sound files to create my version of the ad.

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